"More Life in Kompiam" by Judah

I went down a hill. It was fun. It was a slippery track.

We went to pick bananas. They use big knives to cut the tree down so they can get the bananas.
We made card houses when it’s a rainy or cold day.

We have to do 100 pumps for water every day.

We saw some boys who had a sling shot and we had a go.

We saw a big eel it is about 1 metre long.

I went to to the moo moo. I ate pig, greens, pumpkin, cooked banana, rice, chicken and taro. We played “do” which is tag.

the moo moo food is dished up on banana leaves

I went on a sleepover. I watched Ice Age 4 and played Tin Ball. That is where you defend yourself and put up the castle. At the start you take it in turns to knock the castle over.

We saw a MAF aeroplane. It was noisy.

 I ate sugar cane. It was juicy and sweet.

Me and Grandpa went on a walk that wasn’t a track. I slipped one time and I had fun.

coffee beans on the walk with grandpa

a good way to dry your washing.. put it on a hot rock

bush bashing on the walk with grandpa

you can't tell from the photo but this is steep